
Wayfinders March 29 – April 1, 2022
Wayfinders – Charting the Course: Past→Present→Future
Hilton Fort Worth Downtown
Fort Worth, TX

2022 AIA/CES Conference Session Participation Form »

Wednesday, March 30, 2022 | 3:00 – 4:30 PM
Teaching Outside the Classroom: Charting the Course for an Enhanced Outdoor Learning Experience

This session will explore how outdoor spaces can be designed intentionally and based on research to enhance the overall learning experience. Focusing on elementary schools and early childhood, this session will share the activities and teaching concepts that can be successfully implemented in outdoor environments, as well as the design features that will support them. Concepts such as “low floor & high ceiling” spaces will be explored, and the link to benefits in overall wellbeing applied.

Learning Objectives:
  1. Understand diverse teaching concepts and activities such as sound mapping and mini-campus field hikes and how they can enhance the learning activities in traditional classrooms. New concepts and examples will be explained and learning outcomes identified.
  2. Understand the benefits that outdoor environments can have on wellbeing and social emotional learning, for all students and staff. Participants will be able to apply knowledge gained to design evidence based outdoor environments.
  3. Understand how to design evidence based designed outdoor environments and will be able to diagram a space as part of the presentation.
  4. Gain knowledge on organizations working to publish research on outdoor learning environments and learning.


Brenda Swirczynski, Elementary Science Coordinator, Birdville Independent School District
For over 25 years, Brenda’s work has centered on promoting science literacy. Her experience in public education, informal outdoor education settings, and in higher education has offered her the privilege of collaboration with audiences of varied backgrounds on multi-disciplinary projects. Brenda holds a B.S. in Education and a M.S. in Environmental Science from the University of North Texas. She currently serves as the Elementary Science Coordinator in Birdville ISD in Texas.

Irene Nigaglioni, President, IN2 ARCHITECTURE, INC.
Irene is an international leader in designing educational environments. The foundation of her success is Irene’s own love of learning, which drives her to stay abreast of the latest trends in school design and ensures her client’s buildings incorporate the latest instructional, curriculum and technology advances. As a result, she creates innovative learning spaces that are designed with student success in mind. Irene’s fascination with the role of design in creating successful learning experiences inspired her to found IN2 Architecture. Irene is an active member of A4LE and a past recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award in recognition of her contributions to the field of educational facility planning.

TEA's School Facility Standards Inclusive Design: Origins, Purpose, and Application

The TEA school facility standards were recently redesigned and incorporate a new definition for and requirement related to inclusive design. Inclusivity can be polarizing, divisive, and sometimes even shut down conversations related to meeting the needs of building occupants. This session will share the definition and requirement in the newly adopted rules, elaborate on the origins of this new topic, the purpose of the chosen language and its incorporation into the rules, and the results of its application to projects. The session will also explore methods for discussion that will increase community engagement, establish a collective vision for inclusive design, and lead to a greater understanding of the diverse occupants served by public school facilities.

Learning Objectives:
  1. Learn the definition and requirements in the newly adopted facility standards. (Welfare: defining equitable access)
  2. Learn the origins, intended purpose and applications of this topic. (Health: understanding well-being of occupants)
  3. Understand the depth and breadth of potential impact to facility design (Health: well-being of users affected by buildings; Welfare: elevate the human experience)
  4. Understand the many opportunities for gained understanding, community engagement, and iterative decision-making as a result of upholding the intent of the standards. (Health: well-being of users affected by buildings; Welfare: enabling equitable access and elevating the human experience)


Kerri Brady, AIA, REFP, VP of Educational Practice, Huckabee
Kerri focuses on educational planning, educational research, school safety / security and change management. She helps clients shape the learning experience by facilitating in-depth conversations and explorations on vision, curriculum and space. Kerri co-authored an international book about the role of Career and Technical Education in 21st century learning and serves on the board of directors for the Texas School Safety Center. She also plays an important leadership role in the LEx Collaborative, a partnership between Huckabee, ESC Region 12 and Baylor University that focuses on educational research and the built environment’s impact on student success. Most recently, Kerri led the charge to rewrite the School Facility Standards for the State of Texas. Kerri is married and the proud mom to Cash (13) and Tatum (12) who attend schools in Magnolia ISD.

Gary Hutton, General Manager of Operations, Spring Independent School District
Gary was born and raised in South Africa where he studied Architecture at Technikon Natal. After graduating he worked in the construction industry in South Africa for several years before moving to the United States. Gary started working in Houston in 2000 with SHW Group Architects. In 2005 Gary moved to the public sector as a Project manager for Humble ISD. In 2007 Gary moved to Tomball ISD as Director of Construction and filled various additional roles including Director of Operations and Environmental Services. In 2017 Gary joined Spring ISD as the Executive Director of Facilities Planning and Construction to oversee the Spring ISD Bond 2016. In 2020 He was promoted to General Manager of Operations for Spring ISD where he oversees the Transportation, Child Nutrition, Building Operations, Planning and Construction, Maintenance, Energy Management and Faculty Safety teams. Gary is particularly proud of the new security measures implemented during his time at Spring ISD to help improve the security of Spring ISD Staff and Students. Gary is married and has two school aged children who attend public schools in Conroe ISD.

Wayfinding on the New Reality: Reaching Out for Help is the New "Knowledge"
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AIA  1.5 LU

Why reinvent the wheel? Who said you have to know everything to be a leader, facilities planner, architect, or project manager? The saying, "It takes a village" resonates more truly today as educational facilities planning is developed and built upon the premise of community. It takes a community to create, design, and deliver the next generation of educational communities. How can you know everything when the future is unknown? You reach out for help! The wayfinding in today's connections is to connect with mentors, colleagues, industry professionals that each aid and benefit from the cultured connections. The new knowledge is shared experiences!

Learning Objectives:
  1. Learn how to identify your needs: Knowledge is power and with that power comes responsibility. Utilizing what you know and how to share it with others is the true power.
  2. Learn how to develop and working network
  3. Learn the three most valuable tools in your toolbox and why they are so important.
  4. Leave the session with a toolkit of opportunities and a baseline for developing a network of mentors and shared knowledge.


Julie Williams, A4LE Fellow, REFP Director, Facilities Planning, San Antonio ISD
Honored to have served as Chair of A4LE (2019-2020) Julie’s dedication to educational facilities planning spans nearly 32 years and includes a portfolio of projects that represent the spectrum of PK-12 and higher educational facilities for both public and private institutions. She received the Planner of the Year award (Southwest Region) and completed 11 years on the A4LE international board. Currently, Julie is the Facilities Planning Director for SAISD. She leads the efforts of the planning department team which is focused on the current Bond 2020 $1.3 billion facilities upgrade program. Julie was one of the nominees for the 2021 Lifetime Achievement Award. Her passion and mission are serving others. Julie often refers to her role as missionary work which is the achievement of a lifetime!

Easy Foster, RTSBA, AIA, CPC, LEED AP, Admin Director of Planning/Construction, Conroe ISD
Easy graduated from Texas A&M University in the top ten of his class with a Bachelor of Science degree in Construction Science. He passed the Associate Constructor and Certified Professional Constructor examinations administered by the American Institute of Constructors. Easy also earned his LEEP AP certification. Easy joined the construction industry in 1998 to gain understanding and experience planning, leading, and building things from the ground up. As the Director of Planning and Construction, he has successfully completed over $1 Billion in construction projects throughout Texas, ranging from schools, public and private, office buildings, warehouses, hospitality venues, medical projects and residential projects. His experience with complex projects and high-profile owners has given me a unique perspective on the construction industry. Easy Foster has created a culture of learning and giving within the Conroe ISD community.

Wayne Reynaud, AIA, REFP, Well AP, Principal, HKS Education
O. Wayne Reynaud is an Architect and Principal at HKS. Coming from a family of school employees, Wayne has dedicated his career to designing quality K-12 schools and higher education facilities. His work reflects the belief that a student’s environment can improve how he or she learns, and he listens carefully to educators to translate their goals into reality. Wayne continually serves as an industry leader striving to identify and implement innovation in achieving the highest and best outcomes possible. Risk has possibilities and the potential possibilities propel Wayne's motivation towards seeking excellence. Wayne is a dedicate supporter of A4LE serving in a variety of leadership positions. He is a servant leader with an eye and heart for serving others.

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