Call for Speakers

April 25-27, 2018
School Safety and Security
R2i2 Conference Center, 763 Fashion Drive, Columbia, SC

Thank you for your interest in presenting at the 2018 South Carolina Chapter Conference. The theme for this year's conference is school safety and security. We encourage and invite you to submit a proposal and look forward to reviewing your application. The conference will be open to professionals whose collective mission is to improve the environments where children learn. The intended audience includes school districts superintendents, educators, facilities and operations managers, planners, designers, engineers and builders. Conference attendees will self-select into concurrent sessions. Presenters will have sixty (60) minutes to interact with attendees and present information on a wide range of topics, including, but not limited to:

  • design trends for securing buildings both in new construction and renovations
  • balancing security and open and friendly environment
  • the relationship between facilities and learning
  • facility planning and consensus building
  • new building technologies and sustainable matters
  • trends in education, planning, design and/or construction
  • opportunities for learning anytime, anywhere
  • how are we doing with the 21st century learning environments that have come online

The conference is organized to present a balance between practical information and forward-thinking concepts. A4LE is most interested in seminars with a emphasis on experience gained from actual projects using tried tools, technologies and practices that architects, planners, school facility managers and superintendents can take home and use or adapt.

Though not mandatory, presenters are encouraged to collaborate with peers in other fields in order to bring a broad perspective to the subject. In an effort to provide our participants with the most useful training and information, we will not consider proposals with a commercial or product-oriented focus.

Sessions will be sixty (60) minutes in length, with a balance of time for presentation and group discussion. AV equipment will be available, if requested. All speakers must register and pay the regular conference fee. All presentations will be converted to PDF files and posted to the South Carolina Chapter website. All proposals for consideration must be submitted on or before March 10, 2018.

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